Run Awaaaaaay!
Hrulgin's Hovel


Racial Statistic Mods

Pets and Pet Toys



So, you are saying to yourself  'Man..ogres shouldn't be allowed to even attempt a website...I wish I could get Dark Legacy information somehwere else'

Well that isn't very nice!  True...but not nice.   Since I'm such a nice guy, Ive added some Dark Legacy related links for you to visit.  Now if you will excuse me I'm going to go cry in a corner.


Dark Legacy

The official Dark Legacy website.

Dark Legacy Forums

Ummm..the Dark Legacy forums....

Guardians of Alora

Guild Website for the Guardians of Alora.  Useful tips and information for new players.

Epic Classes

Tradkin's page of epic class combinations.  just so you know what you are going to be when you grow up!