Hrulgin's Hovel
Hrulgin's Hovel


Racial Statistic Mods

Pets and Pet Toys



Hrulgin is Here to Serve!   Well...kinda...

This site is being constructed in order to pull together all the useful info out there about Dark Legacy.  So far I have added information on pets and pet toys, runes and racial statistic modifiers.  If you think something is missing from the site, or something is incorrect, please let me know either via tell on D.L. or by sending an email to the link below.


This site is a work in progress, and i don't know a darn thing about html, so bear with me please.



A lot of people have done a lot of work to assemble information about Dark Legacy, and I have gone around stealing it all from  thier sites mercilessly.  So thanks to everyone that isn't as lazy as me, and if I have offended you well...what else is new? :)





Something on this site incorrect or missing?  Send me an Email!

Email Hrulgin